Dealing With Cleft Lip and Palate Problems

About one in every 600-800 children has a cleft lip. Palate problems are also very common. New parents everywhere to be concerned about issues arising out of these facial deformities, but as with many birth defects, if treated soon after birth, the baby can go on to live normal, healthy life. With a team of doctors on your side, your child will get the best treatment possible.

understanding the causes

Cleft lip and palate occurs when the tissue forming the face does not fuse together properly. Cracks are different in each child. In some, the cleft is unilateral, which means that tissue is not formed correctly on only one side.

Others are engaged in bilateral clefts, which affect both sides of the upper lip. If the gap reaches the nostril, it is called a complete cleft, and if it only affects the lips, it is called partial or incomplete cleavage. In some cases, children are born with clefts only microform, which are small students, often the result of a split that is fixed in the womb. With a cleft lip, palate problems include cracks are also common, occurring in about one in every 700 births. With cleft palate, there is a hole in the roof of the mouth where the hard and soft palate did not fuse together.

This situation is somewhat more serious than a split lip, but the treatment can greatly improve your quality of life for babies. This is not just a cosmetic problem. Yes, cleft lip reconstruction can improve the appearance of a normal person, but without treatment your child could face breathing, eating and speaking problems. In short, cleft lips, palates and other facial deformities present at birth can be damaging in several ways.

There is no known cause for Still, one of 14 children whose parents were born with deformities are suffering also.

Environmental factors, however, also play a role. As a mother, can not fully prevent this condition, but healthy activity can reduce the chances of these conditions will occur. Mothers who smoke, use drugs or drink alcohol during pregnancy increases the risk of their child is born with a cleft lip.

In addition, cleft lip and cleft palate problems are linked to exposure to pesticides, lead, nitrates and other dangerous substances.


Surgery, if needed, are typically done as soon as possible after birth. Because babies are at risk for surgical complications, doctors usually wait until after ten weeks mark, and they love the child weighs at least 10 pounds.

After the lip is repaired through a cleft lip reconstruction, doctors are small prosthetic in the mouth to cover the hole. Palate repair, then it can be done about one year mark. Children dealing with cleft lip or cleft palate usually need care throughout their lives to solve the problem. Bone grafts may be needed to repair the skull and orthodontic problems are not uncommon. Children may also be needed to help with speech, and many young people and adults to opt for a more cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of the lips. In short, this is a problem that you have to deal with for many years.

The good news is that on your own, cleft lip and palate are not life threatening in any way! These are problems that can be repaired.
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